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My Approach

Individuals do not exist in isolation but within a constellation of relationships that inform cognitions, behaviors and feelings.  As a marriage and family therapist, I look for the patterns within these relationship systems to assess the challenges and their potential solutions.  I treat a wide range of clinical issues including depression, anxiety, partner conflict and work-related stress with this systems lens as my guide. 

I believe that individuals are resilient and often capable of rapid change. Therefore, I take a goal-oriented approach to therapy that allows the client to determine their desired outcome.  Sessions are often structured to include time at the white board to work through potential solutions to identified problems.  Additionally, I provide tools and supports the client can utilize to build their tool kits and coping skills outside of the therapy room. This unique partnership allows clients to achieve their vision at their pace.  I am passionate about serving clients and humbled by the dynamic work I witness.  

My Approach
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